The Delta County Democratic Party is a volunteer-run organization.
Fundraising is critical to our success in our efforts to sustain Democracy.
How do I support the Delta County Dems?
Send a Check
Delta County Democrats
PO Box 96
Austin CO
Please include your: Name, address, employer, phone and email.
Contribution rules
- Donors must be at least eighteen years old.
- Contributions must be made from your own funds, and those funds can not be provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
- You must be a United States citizen.
- The contribution must not be from a corporation or labor union.
What does my contribution fund?
Monthly Meeting room fees
Website hosting (for easy access to info)
Materials printing (to share our message)
Postage (to reach voters)
Event expenses (food, drinks, sound equipment)
Branded swag (to get our organization seen)
Annual High School Scholarship Awards