Delta County Democratic Party Caucus and Assembly


This event has ended.


Hotchkiss K8
465 Lorah Ln, Hotchkiss, CO, 81419

Event Type

2024 Delta County Democratic Party Caucus and assembly

Everyone is welcome to attend this event; however, only voters registered as Democrats (not unaffiliated) in Delta County can vote or offer commentary.

Even though you received a ballot in the mail, that ballot was specifically for the Colorado Democratic Presidential Primary Election. The results of this election will be announced on Super Tuesday, March 5th.

The Caucus is still necessary in Colorado for electing certain state and local officials. There is essential Party business to be conducted at Caucus and Assembly:

  • At the caucus, we will elect precinct organizers, share new bylaws, and review the 2024 Delta County Democratic Party Platform. The bylaws have been approved by a majority vote of the Delta Dems Central Committee. The platform is undergoing a few updates and will be finalized soon.
  • Between Caucus and Assembly, Delta Dems will furnish a sandwich and beverage lunch for all county assembly delegates to enjoy.
  • At the county assembly, we will elect delegates to represent Delta Dems at the Colorado Democratic Party’s State assembly and the multi-county assemblies for these offices:
  • Congressional District 3 – April 11, 2024 6pm
  • Senate District 5 – March 30, 2024 2pm
  • House District 58 – March 30, 2024 2pm
  • House District 54 – March 30, 2024 12pm

At the state and multi-county assemblies, the Democrats of Colorado will decide what candidates will be on the Colorado Democratic Primary Ballot. The Colorado Democratic Primary election is June 25th. All state and multi-county assemblies will be held on Zoom so that you can serve as a delegate from the comfort of your home.

What is even more important about attending the Delta County Democratic Caucus and Assembly?

It’s a time when like-minded folks in our community can gather to meet fellow like-minded folks. We can share why we are Democrats and why it is imperative to help get the right candidates elected — those who share our values, compassion, and respect for democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution. Events such as this remind us that it’s more important than ever to preserve our freedoms and never take them for granted. Can you think of a better way to spend three or four hours on a winter Saturday morning?

Click this link for additional info about Colorado Democratic Party Caucuses and Assemblies

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