Restore the Balance Annual Meeting Watch Party

Cassidy Hutchinson invite

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Restore the Balance – Delta County is pleased to announce a Watch Party on May 7, 2024, for the Annual Meeting of Restore the Balance which will include a live interview of nationally recognized figure, Cassidy Hutchinson.  The Watch Party will be held at Delta Middle School cafeteria at 10th and Bluff Streets in Delta, doors opening at 6:00 p.m.   No reservation is required for the RTB-Delta County Watch Party.

Join us for this great opportunity to learn more about Restore the Balance and its efforts to restore civil discourse in our politics, locally, statewide, and nationally.  (Attendance at the live event in Grand Junction is by reservation through website.) The Restore the Balance Spring Gathering this year will be a special event featuring bestselling author and former White House staffer, Cassidy Hutchinson. Cassidy has been called a hero by many for her defense of democracy.

Liz Cheney, former U.S. Representative (Republican, Wyoming), “]Cassidy Hutchinson’s] bravery and patriotism.…were awesome to behold. Little girls all across this great nation are seeing what it really means to love this country and what it really means to be a patriot.”

Cassidy served as assistant to the President’s Chief of Staff, and Special Assistant to the President
and Coordinator for Legislative Affairs from March, 2020 to the inauguration of Joe Biden in
January, 2021. She will share her first-hand knowledge of the events leading up to and occurring
on and after January 6, 2021.

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